Friday, June 28, 2013

"Why is this called Babs and Labs?"

It goes w-a-y back to our college days, at Concordia College in St. Paul, MN.  Bruce and I met there in choir, and then for a year and a half, we were in a singing group called "Glad Sound".  The group sang in churches in the 5-state area, and did PR for the school.  In future blogs, you'll hear more about Glad Sound, because there's a lot to tell.  For now, here's a picture of the back of our Glad Sound t-shirts.  I've never really gone by "Babs", and our last name isn't pronounced "Labs" (it actually sounds like Lobs) but someone discovered we could make rhyming nicknames, and we're still sticking with them.

Even bigger questions, though, would be, "Why do I still have t-shirts from 35 years ago?" and, "Will I keep these in storage while we're in Jamaica, or will I finally part with them?"  I have no answers!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bruce and Barb! I still have two Glad Sound albums. And I just got a turntable, so now I can listen to them. :)
