Sunday, July 28, 2013

This is NOT a "Hoarders" Episode

I actually like watching "Hoarders".  I used to watch it on Monday evenings, and then clean a lot on Tuesdays. 
Here is a picture of our living room, which looks like it could be in a "Hoarders" episode.  However, this is the pile of things labeled "Probably", meaning these things have made it through the first round of sorting and we will likely ship them to Jamaica. 
We're in the middle of the LONG process of sorting through every single item and piece of paper in our house, and deciding whether it goes to Goodwill, goes on the garage sale, gets thrown away or given to someone we know, goes in the burn barrel or recycling bin, gets shipped to Jamaica, or makes the final cut and goes into storage.  After a while, my mind goes numb and I can't make any more decisions.  My default activity at that point:  baking.
Somewhere in this "Probably" pile are sewing supplies, math games, milking pails (for the future Robin's Nest dairy goats), a special Nativity set, and my accordion. I mean, really, what says "Jamaica" more than an accordion? 


Monday, July 8, 2013

Back to the Future, or, My First Trip to Robin's Nest

My great friend Chris Krentz had taken her church youth group to Robin's Nest twice, in 2004 and 2007.  Each time, one of her sons was in the group.  By the time her daughter was old enough, Chris wasn't leading the youth group anymore, but wanted her daughter to have the opportunity to serve at Robin's Nest.  So, she planned a trip, asked me if I wanted to go, and in 2010 we went:  Chris, her daughter Jennifer, Jennifer's best friend Sarah, and I.
2010, at Robin's Nest
2013, at the fundraising dinner Chris planned for us
When I talk about that first trip, I usually use the words "captivating" and "compelling".  The children and staff at Robin's Nest pulled me in and I haven't been the same ever since.  The Lord began calling me to Jamaica, and now, three years later, I'm packing to move.
There's much more to the story, of course, so, to be continued...